Add your own event
Are you planning a tango event in the next few months? If so, you should add tango events to our calendar to attract a larger number of participants. It is quick and easy to add your milonga or other tango events, so that people from all over the country can search and participate in your workshop, your show or your festival. Furthermore, it is free to advertise on our website, and all events are published directly in our online tango calendar.
With all the time and effort you've undoubtedly put into organizing your upcoming event, you want to make sure you get a good amount of people to attend. Our website is here to help make this easy, simply by spreading the word to tango enthusiasts in Denmark. We're passionate about connecting people through music and dance, so add your tango event today to get started and make new connections across the country.
Fill out the form
Du kan tilføje din egen event uden at oprette dig som bruger. Du skal blot udfylde formularen nedenunder og klikke på “SUBMIT EVENT”.
Du får tilsendt en email med en bekræftelse. Efter vores gennemgang bliver din event typisk vist indenfor en enkelt dag.
Manage events
Hvis du ønsker at regdigere din eller dine events, kan du gøre det selv. I bekræftelses emailen får du tilsendt et link hvor du kan oprette dig som bruger. Inde i dit dashboard ser du dine events og kan adminstrere dem selv.
Fabrice Knecht