Casa Milonga Night ”Noche de Lunes”
18.30 – 19.00 Warm-up music.
19.00 – 20:00 Pre-workshop: Colgadas analysis by different Casa instructors
20.00 – 23.00 Casa Milonga ”Noche de Lunes” with different DJs and inputs. Classical tango music
Casa’s pre-workshop and warm-up 18.30 -20:00 (60 kr.)
Free preparation and warm-up music from 18:30.
From 19-20 workshop with September topic “Colgadas in several ways”. Different Casa instructors every Monday.
Casa Milonga nights ”Noche de Lunes” 20:00-23:00 (65 kr.) Milonga with classical tango music and different DJs and inputs. Mostly 3 tunes in each tanda so you have the possibility to dance with even more partners during the night. After the short break it’s the ladies turn to invite a partner.
Food and drinks:
Cheapest bar in town with friendly self-service. Hot delicious empanadas meat/vegetarian cooked and served with the heart by Betty Carmen Mendieta.
Casa Latinoamericana, Høffdingsvej 10, 2500 Valby
S-Vigerslev Allé Station. Free parking area.
Pre-workshop 60 kr.
Entrance Milonga ”Noche de Lunes” kr. 65
Combi workshop/entrance 115 kr.
Extra discount:
Pre-workshop 4 Mondays in Sept.23: 220 kr.
Milonga entrance 4 Mondays Sept.23: 240 kr.
Combi workshop/entrance 4 Mondays in Sept.23: 425 kr.
VIP-discount 10% extra for brobizzer and members of Frb.tango 2023.
Casa Lab instructors & DJs Sept. 2023
04/9: Instructors Helle Feddersen & Sussi Maack / DJ Celeste Meersohn
11/9: Instructors Vicky & Phillip Steptoe / DJ Bodil Brems
18/9: Instructors Per Rasmussen & Bo Gito / DJ Litten Bøjgaard
25/9: Instructors Annette Ikast & Jesper la Cour / DJ Flemming Mortensen
Forskellige DJ´s